Trucked Waste
Frank's Septic Service, Inc., provides trucked waste services for a variety of wastestreams. Our tankers range from 5,000 gallons to 6,500 gallons
Some of the waste we can haul and dispose of are:
- Animal Processing Waste
- Animal Blood (Beef, Poultry, Sheep, Swine/Pig)
- Beverage Processing Waste (Beer, Dairy, Juice, Spirits)
- Brine Waste / Gray Water (Reverse Osmosis (RO) Reject, Boiler Blowdown, Cooling Towers)
- Dairy DAF (Dissolved Air Flotation)
- Domestic Septage / Septic Tank Cleanouts
- Equipment Rinsate (Clean-in-Place (CIP)
- Food Processing (Liquids and Solids) Waste and Expired or Off-Specification Product
- Groundwater / Stormwater
- Industrial / Commerical Process Waste
- Liquid Organic
- Municipal Water and Wastewater Sludge
- Pharmaceutical
- Portable Toilets / Chemical Toilets
- Rendering Facility Waste
- Winery Waste (Lagoon/Pond, Lees, Juice/Product, Barrel/Tank Rinsate)